Pelvis Pain
The pelvis is the area below your belly button and above your thighs. Both men and women can get pain in this part of the body. Pelvic pain may signal a problem with your urinary tract, reproductive organs, or digestive tract. Some causes of pelvic pain — including menstrual cramps in women — are normal and nothing to worry about.

A UTI is a bacterial infection somewhere in your urinary tract. This includes your urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys. UTIs are very common, especially in women. About 40 to 60 percent of women will get a UTI in their lifetime, often in their bladder.
You’ll typically have pelvic pain with a UTI. The pain is usually in the middle of the pelvis and in the area around the pubic bone.
Other symptoms include:
- An urgent need to urinate
- Burning or pain while urinating
- Cloudy, bloody, or strong-smelling urine
- Side and back pain (if the infection is in your kidneys)
- Fever
Temporary and mild pelvic pain is probably nothing to worry about. If the pain is severe or it continues for more than a week, make an appointment with your doctor.
You should also see your doctor if you experience:
- Blood in the urine
- Foul-smelling urine
- Trouble urinating
- Inability to have a bowel movement
- Bleeding between periods (in women)
- Fever
- Chills
Get in touch with Dr. Vikram Rajguru who is known for Pelvis pain treatment in Pune. Contact us to book an appointment.